Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bread Strikes Again!

For some reason I had a bum day... I still can't figure out why... there was tons of sunshine, which I took advantage of by going on multiple walks with the girls, still struggled though...could be because the "witchy" time of the month is encroaching or it could be the fact I got my bum kicked in basketball last night by an 8 year old girl (not that it would be hard to beat me, man she was really good...) - anyway, comfort food with some prayer was a must today so I finally tried out this recipe, from this book:

All I can say is "oh, my." Easy, yummy, crunchy crust, soft middle, restaurant bread with your dinner every night. Making it, baking it, smelling it and (my favorite) eating it, is such a release for me, it calms the sad little Rachel inside (I'm sure there is some psychological issue at work here but I'm not going to the rock the boat). And I am happier (mostly because of prayer and self-awareness - but I can't underestimate the bread, it played it's part too). So if you have a bum day try the recipe first and see if its for you; I went ahead and bought the book when my friend (who has impeccable taste in food) recommended it and bought the suggested dough buckets with lids and super pizza board from which made it all eazy-smezee.


Don said...

I like you. I like your bread. Both of you have an appealing crunch.

Wolfe's said...

Oh what amazing abilities you have! I love the bread you bake and I can see why it would cheer you up. I'll try it, but mine would look like a crater hit the center of it. I probably will just so you can see my culinary abilities.

Sarah said...

What are dough buckets? You are such a baker! I wish I lived next to you so you could share with me! Love you. Don't be sad.

Rachel said...

Sarah! I responded 3 days ago but I guess i didn't save it! Anyway - thanks for the love and support you guys!!! I updated the post to add a hyperlink for those buckets, I like them because if you don't have a standing mixer you can mix the dough right in these buckets & your done! (i'm all about fewer dishes with no dishwasher...). What I think you might like about this bread is the friend who recommended it claims it is as good as the bread she would eat in Paris when she lived there for a year...I can't comment on that, all I know is it's good, easy, jazzes up any dinner bread! Love you!!