Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a girl!

We have been excitedly (and secretly) been awaiting the birth of our little 3 lb "Molly" for weeks now and finally at 8 weeks old she has joined our family! She is an adorable, sweet Mini Australian Shepherd. It has been an interesting experience having another infant in the house - more whimperings in the middle of the night and "messes" to clean up, but she has quickly worked herself solidly into our hearts. We looked into a lot of different breeds and for many reasons chose Molly's. When it was finally time to get her we had a lot of fun telling Autumn and Bizzie that we were going to pick up a puppy! And when we went to get her it was hard taking just her, she had two adorable sisters who were just as sweet. But she was the one, and well worth the wait! Here are pictures: getting one infant to hold still is hard, getting two to hold still is IMPOSSIBLE, but I wanted to show size comparison so Liberty got her picture taken too:)

This is the video of the girls playing with Molly and one of her sisters (Molly is the one with the left black ear) when we went to pick her up.
Losing Pilot has left this ache in our hearts and getting another dog was a taboo topic for a long while. We miss our boy... I commented to Don on how complete it feels to have a dog in the family again, and how I was so happy to find my heart expanded to make room for Molly. It's been an added bonus for me to find that some of that Pilot-ache is relieved by her sweet presence.

1 comment:

Wolfe's said...

I loved holding your puppy! I remember when Leah was so cute and cuddly too! Molly is a sweetheart! The boys keep trying to convince me to let them go play with Molly. Ahhh to have a puppy again!