Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sooooo Good…

I own that I have a VERY picky-eating family. I love to cook  and try new things which is a little hard on them (Who knows what mom came up with tonight?!) - and me, as  find myself losing “Cooking Enthusiasm” when I have to make the same thing over and over. So I compromise, lots of old favorites with the occasional new mingled in. Every now and then I hit on a recipe that my picky-eating family likes and I get REALLY excited and have to tell the world!!! A couple of Sundays ago, tired of our traditional roast, I tried this:


Beef Tenderloin with Horseradish-Chive Sauce, Photo: Grant Cornett; Styling: Philippa Brathwaite

Yummy, Yummy! It was  as quick and easy as a roast, but a nice change. I had corn-on-the-cob and strawberries from our local Food Co-op which went with it great! It is on the rare side if you cook it for the amount of time it suggest so add 10-20 extra minutes if you are a well-done fan. But the girls liked it as is – VERY surprising, as did Don – Yeah!!!!  The laugh of the night was when we pulled out the horseradish sauce and I was shocked when Autumn jumped at the opportunity to try it (she’s my non-tryer)…until Don asked, “Autumn, do you want to try it because it has the word horse in it?” which prompted a sheepish grin from  her – hey, whatever it takes right moms?!

Thursday, June 9, 2011



In a world where it is becoming a truly rare accomplishment, my wonderful in-laws have proven it is possible – they have been married for 50 years! We are so proud of them! There is a grand gala planned this Saturday for all to celebrate with them but on Tuesday just the family met at the Salt Lake Temple to enjoy a quiet celebration together. We gathered together for pictures in front of the Reflection Pool (interesting side note: 50 years ago Blair and Kathleen chose not to have pictures taken at the temple, I think because it was a late session and it was too dark by the time they came out, so we made up for it by taking as many pictures as we could) – here are the favorites:

Blair and Kathleen with their grandkids…



The Don Olsen Family… (he’s so cute!!!!)


A typical Olsen Girl shot…with Liberty showing her typical streak of independence – I love this shot…


When we felt we had taken every angle and shot we could of the occasion we headed into the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and rode the elevator up to the very top where we had reservations in a private room at The Roof. It was perfect for a close and private gathering, with a gorgeous view of the Temple grounds, and quiet enough that the two hearing impaired members of the family (Blair and I) could be apart of everyone's conversation. Outside the restaurant was a fountain that Liberty fell in love with…

We ate and ate and ate and talked about the memories of 50 years ago, as well as 25 years ago when Rhett and Heidi were married on the same day in the Salt Lake Temple  - and when everyone was finally immobile with full tummies Blair and Kathleen presented pictures of the temple to their grandchildren and we presented a gift to them – a gift that has kept me from being able to blog for the last month and do…anything else. Thanks to Don, lots of peanut butter sandwiches, McDonalds, help from Heidi, comfort from Don as I cried in a ball on his lap when things weren’t working out, and the patience of my 3 darling girls we were able to present a quilt to Blair and Kathleen capturing the highlights of their 50 years together. Bizzie carried the present to them and here it is being presented…

Don was catching a red-eye to New York that night and I was feeling pretty clingy to my man, I needed more time with him before he left, so as the celebration drew to a close we took the girls for a little stroll on the temple grounds before he had to leave. Some of my favorite pictures came from that quick stroll…

Olsen Girls on the Salt Lake Temple stairs…


Moroni….one of Don’s shots -


And now for my ULTIMATE favorite picture of the day!!!!!


As I walked around the temple grounds holding hands with my sweetheart and watching my sweet girls frolic and break loose a little bit after a couple of hours of being “ladies,” I was filled with peace and gratitude for the beautiful, eternal concept of forever families – oh, and Eli kicked throughout the walk to remind me that he too was included. Yes Eli, we are very glad you are included:)  The whole day was a meaningful, peaceful closing to a stressful month of quilting.