Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Hodge Podge

Crafty me….

I’ve been ready to “make” something for awhile now and the girls were insistent about getting Halloween decorations out of the boxes and up before Halloween came and went this year (go figure) - so this idea popped into my head…

Cricut Imagine Halloween Banner 

I love the way paper crafts look but I don’t have a lot of time and money to spend picking out separate papers and piecing my project all together which is why I LOVE the new Cricut Imagine - it prints paper and cuts it. So all I had to do was pick the color of background for the banners, pick my letter font and color, hit print and there all my pretty papers were! To assemble it I glued my letters to the banners punched holes in the corners for the brass paper fasteners (I wanted it to have a careless hanging look), then I taped wired ribbons to the end and covered that with a Cricut cut pumpkin and – Voila! I thought it looked pretty cute… here are some close ups of the background printing options – love ‘em!

Cricut Imagine Halloween Banner (2)

Cricut imagine Halloween Banner (4)

Cricut Imagine Halloween Banner (3)

So that’s crafty me…now for the - 

hardworking three…

October 2011 019

With the help of a rented lift, Poppa Olsen, and two little girls, Don got all the dead limbs from our backyard trees down before they became lethal with winter snow. I wish I had taken a picture of his arms afterward – between the ga-zillion scratches on his arms and legs, pulled shoulder muscles, two detached nails (one on his hand from a boulder and one on his toe from the doghouse) Don is creating a new meaning to “sacrifice” as he gives up precious time to create a safe and beautiful backyard for his family (it’s more appropriate to say “human” sacrifice at this point don’t you think?!) The girls made us proud with their hard working ethics and made us laugh when the girly-ness in them came out with the occasional squeal when they discovered spiders nest on the limbs they were carrying!

South View   (With extensive help from Kip & Blair bulldozing dirt, tearing up old cement pads, and cutting the trees back.)

Before:                                       After:


Center View

Before:                                       After:


North View

Before:                                       After:


We predict will be done with the backyard in…10 years-ish…

And finally…

Bizzie Girl turns 6!!!

October 2011 009

Bizzie really wanted an Animal Friend Birthday Party – so we got together friends, masks, games (pin the trunk on the elephant, ring on a string), and cupcakes, turned the music way up, busted out our moves, and par-tayed!October 2011 014 October 2011 017 Bizzie the birthday kitty

The next day the Olsen’s threw a Pumpkin Party Bonfire and had another cake for her there! Thank you Aunt Heidi!!!

Birthday party #2 at Olsen pumpkin party

(I’ll take a moment to sneak in a non-birthday picture to commemorate Eli’s first bonfire. He seemed content being snuggled close by numerous of willing admirers…)

Eli's first bonfire

And to top off all the birthday mania – the Raymers took us up Hobble Creek Canyon and we celebrated her birthday once more with hotdogs, cupcakes, princess dresses (thank you Grandma Raymer!) and volleyball! Pictures coming soon… Man – turning 6 has never been celebrated more! Happy Birthday Bizzie Girl!!!!

And that’s it for this Hodge Podge Post!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh, fruit loved of “girlhood”! The old days recalling…

(This post is slightly embarrassing following the treadmill post…but – it is what it is…)

I love fall, love the smells, the holidays, the colors, the crispness – and with it comes pumpkins! I love the smell of baking pumpkins – like the smell of brand new pencils near the beginning of a school year, childhood memories come wafting  in with that delicious smell. So when I found this recipe in Better Homes and Gardens I HAD to try it right?! The scale wasn’t too pleased with the discovery but man, I was in heaven!!!

October 2011 007

One of my favorite things about cooking is the little helpers that come clamoring around my legs to “help.” My girls and I are dough lovers – we love the taste of batters and have a hard time getting things into the oven before it all disappears so I have longed had to have the rule that if you want to taste the batter you have to help make it. I now look forward to all three girls  trying to find ways to help. Autumn usually comes in sheepishly too late with a “So, mom…need help tasting that to see if it’s turned out alright?” Bizzie loves to crack the eggs – batter tends to come out a bit crunchier with her at the helm. And Liberty usually comes up with her big deer eyes and frank request “help you?” Here is her favorite version of “help you?”

October 2011 005

Love my girls… Love fall… love pumpkin flavors…

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Treadmill Motivation










When I feel like slowing down the pace on my treadmill I picture this guy behind me which works for a few more minutes then I have to visualize one of the girls on my shoulders to make it a few more:) What gets you moving?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Food For Thoughts…

Do you remember life before cell phones, texting and emailing? My life has actually expanded and improved because of the way it is utilized by my best friend.  Don is constantly looking for things to send me to brighten my day or to help me stay sane by giving me thoughts to ponder other than how to get industrial strength infant poo out of clothing and the fact that I’m insanely tired and just want to sleep and eat donuts…

Anyway… I just wanted to share my favorites with you:


  • “What if you woke up tomorrow with only those things for which you expressed gratitude today?”


  •  "Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life," Jobs said during a Stanford commencement ceremony in 2005.
    "Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."
    "Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart."
    -Steve Jobs

If you watch this video know that the baby buffalo will amazingly be just fine, BUT you have to watch it all the way to the end!

His greatest strength in our relationship is knowing how to make me laugh – like “bust a gut” make me laugh. And I get it’s his timing and the mood I’m in so if the following doesn’t do the same for you it’s ok. Sometimes I’ll be having a hard day and he seems to know so he’ll send me nonsense to take my mind off of me…

Or it is something completely out of the blue. I’ll text him the question “how are you?” and I get this picture in response …

It still makes me laugh –

My dear friend Crystal has that similar impeccable timing as Don and sent this series of pictures at a much needed time…
















Anyway, thought these images and thoughts might shake up your day and add a little “umph” to it – Do you have anymore to add to my growing stash?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Summer is over…Flu season is here

And all I can say is…

Every now and then my snarky side comes out REALLY strong, as I was cleaning up my very sad Liberty who had thrown up in her sleep Rhino kept going off in my head, complete with psycho laugh. So farewell summer…hello flu.

On a more serious note, how cool is it that I can be at home (thanks to my awesome husband) and snuggle up with this precious, sad child?!

Eli Blessing 012

And watch how simple things can bring so much joy when you are sick, here she is when I asked if she wanted to watch her FAVORITE movie, The Last Unicorn, and have an Otter Pop…

Eli Blessing 011

My children are so gifted at getting me to slow down and helping me forget my schedule to enjoy “the moments” even the gross, throw-up ones, so I can snuggle with them, love them, and really be with them…

General Conference is on my mind right now and my mind goes back to one of my favorite talks given by Elder Ballard in the Spring of 2008 called “Daughters of God.” He quoted a woman I didn’t recognize but who I could completely relate with…

Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: “The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. … I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less” (Loud and Clear‍ [2004], 10–11).

Ain’t it the truth?! So bring it on flu season, let it begin!