Sunday, March 14, 2010

What happens when Dad watches an 11 month old...

I love watching Don "watch" the girls. Things I know you just DON'T do from years of 24-7 mothering he is learning for the first time on our third child. Things like you don't fall asleep watching the girls with a nearby permanent marker within their reach... you don't feed kids a bunch of chips and then take them on a long drive... you put the new diaper on the baby as soon as possible... And if you want to stay clean you don't give an 11 month old a cookie too big for her mouth... Usually, his sharp attorney mind keeps him clean and having fun with the kids but when he panics or gives in to doing ANYTHING to keep the child he is watching happy - that's when the fun stuff happens and I get to watch it! Especially when he is oh, so sweet enough to record it!

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