Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just for you Grandparents out there...

This is most likely only interesting to grandparents, so I if you are not a doting "thinks-everything-your-grandchild-does-is-adorable" grandparent this 2minute video may not be for you... and I promise not be offended if you skip it. For those who watch it, these are the girls dancing to the elevator music recorded on our piano, and since it's the first song on there and the easiest to access we listen to it ALL the time. If you watch the baby closely, she is exhibiting her first signs of dancing (she nods her head like a rock star and bounces - I had a better video of her doing this but Bizzie walked in midway in her undearwear...not something I'm about to post to the world however cute it is...). Enjoy!!!

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