Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Keeping up with Molly...

Molly has been homesick her first few days with us but is finally getting comfortable in her new home. Which means she's playing and romping, knipping and barking and the girls LOVE it. An unexpected benefit is that Liberty wants to keep up with the fun and has found walking helps her to do that. These videos were taken early in the evening by nighttime Liberty was walking across the kitchen (as long as nothing scared her or got in her way).

SIDENOTE: I like watching these videos because so much is happening in the background with my other girls:)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a girl!

We have been excitedly (and secretly) been awaiting the birth of our little 3 lb "Molly" for weeks now and finally at 8 weeks old she has joined our family! She is an adorable, sweet Mini Australian Shepherd. It has been an interesting experience having another infant in the house - more whimperings in the middle of the night and "messes" to clean up, but she has quickly worked herself solidly into our hearts. We looked into a lot of different breeds and for many reasons chose Molly's. When it was finally time to get her we had a lot of fun telling Autumn and Bizzie that we were going to pick up a puppy! And when we went to get her it was hard taking just her, she had two adorable sisters who were just as sweet. But she was the one, and well worth the wait! Here are pictures: getting one infant to hold still is hard, getting two to hold still is IMPOSSIBLE, but I wanted to show size comparison so Liberty got her picture taken too:)

This is the video of the girls playing with Molly and one of her sisters (Molly is the one with the left black ear) when we went to pick her up.
Losing Pilot has left this ache in our hearts and getting another dog was a taboo topic for a long while. We miss our boy... I commented to Don on how complete it feels to have a dog in the family again, and how I was so happy to find my heart expanded to make room for Molly. It's been an added bonus for me to find that some of that Pilot-ache is relieved by her sweet presence.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What's For Dinner?

I am constantly trying new recipes and forgot to post this one: Garlic Lime Chicken. Sorry no picture to accompany this one. Those who know me know that one of my Sunday staples is Lemon Chicken so when I saw this one I thought "Hooray for something new!" Because lemons and limes are sooo different from one another... Anyway, this was good; it took a little bit more preparation than the lemon chicken but equally good. My only warning is for those of you who like to add extra tang by putting the whole lemon in the crockpot - it adds too much tang when you add the whole lime, so don't do it... other than that I've got a new keeper! Happy Cooking!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Liberty's One Year Old!!!

It was my youngest baby's (each of my girls are my babies - can't help it) First Birthday!!! It truly seems like I just brought Liberty home from the hospital, but she's started taking steps on her own, has 8 teeth, loves to make cat/dog/and cow noises, smiles and reaches for her family...should of clued in by now that she's growing...

Anyway, Liberty's favorite things are her soft pink blanket she came home with from the hospital and her green teddy. So we gave her a pink birthday party and a green teddy bear birthday cake. When it came to eating the cake we have a dozen videos of us trying to coax her into trying it until we finally gave up and gave her a banana! She is normally outgoing but the limelight was too much for her and she spent most of it sucking her thumb and snuggling on someones lap:)
Don spent an hour decorating the fur on the cake - I thought it turned out pretty cool!

Here's the comparison - toy versus cake (just in case it is too hard to tell which is which...)

Liberty loves cards, paper, cardboard...there's something about the way they taste that she can't resist.

Autumn and Bizzie LOVED helping Liberty open her presents and this is the perfect example of how Liberty spent most of the party (thumb in mouth, on someones lap...)

I never get tired of looking at the similarities between these two.

And finally, here is a taste of one of the gazillion videos taken of trying to get Liberty interested in trying her birthday cake. The icing on her is from our attempts in helping her try it... we loved watching her bemusement at our efforts!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Straight Laced Poppa Olsen

Poppa Olsen is a proper, to-the-point, no-nonsense farmer. Except, when it comes to his grandchildren, I never get tired of watching how silly and sweet he is with them...I still laugh when I remember his birthday he spent playing Pretty Princess with the girls! (He ended up in earrings, necklaces - the whole works and the girls ate it up!)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Oasis Day!

I love my family! Don and the girls bring me such joy. In a world of chaos and uncertainty I am truly grateful that my home, my family is a small oasis from the world. I wish that same joy for all you mothers out there...and being the ripe age of 33 may I also point out to those who aren't "feeling the joy," that I have found in my mothering experince that the days are much like a rollercoaster and that as time goes on the ups are lasting longer than the downs. So hang-on during the downs because the rollercoaster always chugs back up!

As Liberty becomes more mobile I find myself wishing for a good pair of sturdy jeans for her to wear holes in the knees of, patches are going to be the new fad in a month...
Sweet Bizzie.

Stunning Autumn.

In a fit of giggles and gravity Bizzie pushes Liberty in the swing.

Bizzie and Autumn obediently following the "wait for Mom at each corner" rule with big sister Autumn keeping Bizzie safe.

Friday, March 19, 2010

BYU Chemistry Magic Show

This was such a cool show! During this one hour show BYU students showed kids how different elements (combined) explode, glow-in-the-dark, foam, turn into shiny liquid metal, heat-up, cool-down, morph into different colors continuously, and turn into slime!!! Crystal invited me and the girls to go with her to a science show. It was the perfect kick-off to her Science Days with the kids. I'm not a science buff and found myself wishing I could remember the elements and what they did. I recorded a lot of the different things that they did for us and decided to show the "Glow-in-the-Dark" one (at bottom of post) and Autumn wanted to show how balloons filled with different elements explode brighter and louder than other elements so check her blog soon too.

Autumn, Taylor and Isaac waiting for the show to start.

Cute Joseph and Bizzie (who later were found hiding in coats to get away from the booms, smoke and bright flashes of flames...)

We took the kids to the Wilk. afterwards for ice cream, here they are getting their wiggles out, seeing who can hold their position the longest.

We finally ended up at the duck pond where the kids went nuts! Autumn, Taylor and Isaac went exploring (displacing a couple snuggled up "reading scriptures" together...); Liberty quacked and reached for the ducks that Joseph and Bizzie were "herding" into the pond (successfully taking away all the ducks from another couple who were on a date to feed them...) while Crystal and I watched on with motherly pride at how easily our little ones were able to so thoroughly and joyously create chaos in less than 15 minutes! (Sidenote: I really wished I took a picture of what inspired proper Crystal to break down in giggles...)

Glow-In-The-Dark Coolness...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bread Strikes Again!

For some reason I had a bum day... I still can't figure out why... there was tons of sunshine, which I took advantage of by going on multiple walks with the girls, still struggled though...could be because the "witchy" time of the month is encroaching or it could be the fact I got my bum kicked in basketball last night by an 8 year old girl (not that it would be hard to beat me, man she was really good...) - anyway, comfort food with some prayer was a must today so I finally tried out this recipe, from this book:

All I can say is "oh, my." Easy, yummy, crunchy crust, soft middle, restaurant bread with your dinner every night. Making it, baking it, smelling it and (my favorite) eating it, is such a release for me, it calms the sad little Rachel inside (I'm sure there is some psychological issue at work here but I'm not going to the rock the boat). And I am happier (mostly because of prayer and self-awareness - but I can't underestimate the bread, it played it's part too). So if you have a bum day try the recipe first and see if its for you; I went ahead and bought the book when my friend (who has impeccable taste in food) recommended it and bought the suggested dough buckets with lids and super pizza board from which made it all eazy-smezee.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

What happens when Dad watches an 11 month old...

I love watching Don "watch" the girls. Things I know you just DON'T do from years of 24-7 mothering he is learning for the first time on our third child. Things like you don't fall asleep watching the girls with a nearby permanent marker within their reach... you don't feed kids a bunch of chips and then take them on a long drive... you put the new diaper on the baby as soon as possible... And if you want to stay clean you don't give an 11 month old a cookie too big for her mouth... Usually, his sharp attorney mind keeps him clean and having fun with the kids but when he panics or gives in to doing ANYTHING to keep the child he is watching happy - that's when the fun stuff happens and I get to watch it! Especially when he is oh, so sweet enough to record it!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Book Review: The Actor and the Housewife

This was such a squirm with discomfort...good...cry your heart out...good...difficult...good read...

I believe there are authors for each of us out there. One's who write the things you only think and feel, words you recognize could be your own if you had spent the time to write them down. Shannon Hale is mine. I discovered her books Goose Girl and Academy Princess, I loved her detailed, picturesque, not afraid to write about the darker things in life too, writing style. I've read all of her books - wasn't thrilled with Austenland, not usually a sequel reader but her Goose Girls continuations were good; Book of a Thousand Days was darker, different but engaging. So when a friend offered The Actor and the Housewife I excitedly took it. I learned early on she was an LDS author and was thankful she didn't do LDS culture books (never been able to get into them, all the ones I have read seem contrived and sterile of real feelings) as I began to read this I realized I was reading a story about an LDS mom! Oh, man...but I kept reading cuz this LDS mom had a sense of humor and was putting to words a lot of things I witness everyday with my kids but didn't laugh at like this woman was doing, hmmm laughing is good, I should try that next time... and then for the next 60 pages I wanted to put this book down but couldn't because she was writing about the little talked about, dirty-dark secret that most of devoted wives have but do not allow themselves to think on too long - our tv/movie hunk crushes. How many of you walked out of the movie Eclipse and sighed just a little too long over Jacob? And had to have your girlfriend remind you of your hunky, devoted best friend waiting for you at home? Really! Just me huh?! Here's an excerpt from her book that reminded me of me at this moment: "...She'd fallen in love with characters all her life -- Gilbert Blythe, Mr. Rochester, Harry Hamlin as Perseus. Then she'd met (her husband). Real men had thinned into the scenery; fictional men were briefly entertaining but faded out of her consciousness as soon as she closed the book or emerged from the movie theatre (or 5 minutes after emerging from the theatre if you are Rachel, just me willing to admit that still? Really? Really?!) So her dalliances were inside those story moments. There was that pesky romance gene that needed a little twanging from time to time, and crushing on a fictional character or unattainable movie star was completely kosher. Everyone knew those rules... Granted if Don was to tell me about a crush on a movie star he had, I wouldn't be as willing to agree with the kosherness of it... anyway this LDS mom becomes best friends with her crush Actor and you are never quite sure how you feel about the whole thing, you want to say "Wow that's wrong, would you like your husband's bestfriend to be a girl?!" But at the same time you're hoping it will stay clean and good and okay, then, throw in some major - life shattering - you'll cry (because its another one of those dark fears lingering in the back of your mind) and need to call your girlfriend and sob or find your husband & kiss him (in my case, both) drama, and that's this book... It was an emotionally messy - dealing with questions you don't want to answer -learning to laugh at and survive motherhood - being madly in love with your husband - book...

So, if you are feeling up to it, it's a squirm with discomfort...good...cry your heart out... good... difficult...good read...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Book Review: The Sea of Monsters

Rick Riordan's 2nd book in The Lightening Thief series. I think J.K. Rowling's books were so successful because she had discovered a formula that worked and never varied from it. Rick Riordan found a formula that worked and didn't vary from it either - though using the same formula or outline for a book may seem predictable if it's good and still keeps you engaged I prefer them sticking with it than trying to change it up. So the boy in this book, Percy, still battles with his heritage while going on another quest that he won't be able to complete without his friends and like the first book there are cool villains and a twist at the end. Another entertaining read, surprising for a sequel. I like books that show the struggles of teens figuring out who they are and all the mess that comes with that (saying things you wish you hadn't, being too prideful, placing too much value in things that matter less, etc.) and then seeing them rise to their potential or "divinity" by owning their mistakes, learning from them, recognizing good from evil and choosing the good, choosing good friends, giving other not-so-good people a chance to redeem themselves, and realizing its okay to trust "good" adult influence. There is too much media out there showing teens it's more cool to follow evil influences (vampires - gangs - wild dare devils - etc....granted these are demi-gods fighting monsters but it's easy to forget their heritage in their personal struggles and see normal teenagers discovering themselves).

Rachel Rating: 8 of 10 stars
Content Rating: Still PG-10 (battle scenes)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cousins and Food - The Classic Raymer Get Together

This is just some immediate cousins, later in the evening we would claim a gathering of 23+ extended cousins under one roof!

Liz and Shaun are breezing through the states trying to visit with as much family as possible before being stationed in Hawaii for 3 years. We Utahns got them first and the little cousins had a lot of fun running around Grandpa and Grandma Raymer's house and yard. This picture was a snapshot of an exhausted reprieve with fish crackers before taking off again. (Lf. - Rt.: Bizzie O., Autumn O., Isabel E., & Ian E.)

I enjoyed having Liz help me make this. This Summer Berry Trifle was a nice break for the winter blahs (akin to singing Christmas songs in July, it reminds you of the fun stuff to come). This is easy to make but takes some sitting time after preparing so don't try to make it less than 45 minutes before serving. Some changes or FYI to the recipe are the following: 4 cups of berries came to about 3 regular sized boxes of strawberries sliced 3 times, 2 boxes of raspberries, 1 deep box of blueberries; and 1 12oz. box of Nilla wafers was plenty.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just for you Grandparents out there...

This is most likely only interesting to grandparents, so I if you are not a doting "thinks-everything-your-grandchild-does-is-adorable" grandparent this 2minute video may not be for you... and I promise not be offended if you skip it. For those who watch it, these are the girls dancing to the elevator music recorded on our piano, and since it's the first song on there and the easiest to access we listen to it ALL the time. If you watch the baby closely, she is exhibiting her first signs of dancing (she nods her head like a rock star and bounces - I had a better video of her doing this but Bizzie walked in midway in her undearwear...not something I'm about to post to the world however cute it is...). Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Learning Basketball at 33?!

Here's the other book I'm reading right now... Seems a little weird to be picking up a sport at 33, but why not? In my ward there are several women who are really good and a few of us who are better than average and then me who remembers only what I learned running around the gym in middle school wearing school issued short-shorts! We get together once a week and play 3 on 3 and generally have a blast. It beats the treadmill any day, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard on a treadmill the way I do playing basketball with these ladies AND it's great exercise. After a couple of weekly games though I started lamenting to Don that I wish I knew how to improve myself (you know, actually get the ball in on purpose rather by accident...) and 3 days later a book arrived in the mail, a gift from Don ( that's one of the great things about Don, he listens and acts). So in a future book review I'll let you know if you can improve in basketball by reading a book!

Monday, March 8, 2010

And The Award For The Most Nutritionally-Minded Mom Goes To...

Yep...I gave in to the bank's dum-dum handouts. Bizzie wanted one and asked for one for Liberty - I couldn't say no to such sisterly love could I?!...Could of, should of, but - WOW - she LOVED that sucker!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hmmm...why does no one ever call me?




(Can't get through to us? Keep trying...this only happens 6 times a're bound to get through at some point...)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Book Review: The Lightening Thief

This is an entertaining read. Like Harry Potter, this was written for an adolescent audience but adults can become absorbed in it as well. And like Harry Potter it is about a boy who has always been different than his peers, his journey to understanding why he is the way he is, and how his parents are a key to understanding who he is. Isn't that the truth?! (SIDE NOTE: I found myself humming while I read this book, which isn't a norm. for me and reading, and it was the tune to the theme song in Disney's Hercules "I can go the distance," I think we can all relate to the lyrics on a personal level -missing a heavenly home where we are accepted and loved without question, and how life is a quest to return there with honor having faced our mortal existence with heroism. Granted, the movie touched more on this theme than the book did but whenever I read greek mythology my mind turns to this theme automatically.) I saw the movie before I read the book and I'm glad I did. I thought the movie was a good way to introduce you to the characters, story line, and unfamiliar villians. Be prepared though, the book takes a different turn and follows another path than the movie - which I'm okay with, it's a good movie in and of itself while the book provided me with the detail I crave. WARNING: it's a sequel, but the good news is the next book is already out!

Rachel Rating: 8 of 10 stars
Content Rating: PG-10 (cut limbs, lopped off heads, etc.)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Need a "It's-so-rich-it-makes-me-sick" Cookie?

These truly are to die for cookies and are so rich that you can only eat one (not a bad thing when you see how much butter is in them...). I'm not a fan of the Nutter Butter cookies in stores so think of the ultimate-deluxe peanut butter cookie and that fits closer to what you'll experience! PS...plan to give away as many as you will be hard...but your favorite jeans will be glad you did (again - note butter amount...)! Happy emotional eating!!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Mom, I'm a Flower Fairy Today.

I love my children. They remind me that it's possible to wakeup each day and decide who you are going to be that day (new, better, improved) granted new-better-improved in their minds is a fairy, princess, or unicorn - but the blissful notion is still there! Today Bizzie was a Flower Fairy....

Twirling in her flower dress.
Smelling the "magic" she gave the flowers...

Just being cute!

May you each be who YOU want to be today too!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Love This!!!

I love this kids planner!!!

Maybe it was being brought up by a woman who liked to label EVERYTHING, but I love feeling organized, I get gidddy when I enter into an office supplies store...but that's another story. Like most moms out there I would get to the end of the day and be grateful if I remembered to have my children brush their teeth! I hate nagging my children, I know it's an essential part of being a mom right?! But for me "demon Rachel" starts surfacing when I reach the 3rd reminder to "do your homework" and once that happens nobody is happy for the rest of the evening. So I began some online research and found this planner that helps your child plan their weekly schoolwork, scripture reading, finances, chores, etc. and helps them set broader goals personally, spiritually, and financially!!! It's a Stephen Covey Jr.! So far, it has done wonders for keeping my demon self from surfacing and gives Autumn more control and understanding of how to spend her time! LOVE IT!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Absolute Favorite Comfort Food!

I love bread. I love this bread, it has never disappointed is always there for me...and in a reluctant glance at the mirror I also note, it has never left me...

My genius does not lie in the direction of originality but in finding original women (or men) and learning from their genius. This was found by one of those genius women...