Monday, January 10, 2011

Star Quilt started two years ago finished? Check!

I’ve talked to many of you about a quilt in progress for the last two years and I wanted to proudly announce that I was able to complete it in time to give it to Don Christmas Eve. This particular quilt had a lot of emotional build-up to it so it was very satisfying to have it turn out close to the way I had anticipated it. I began collecting Don’s shirts years ago when he finished Law School. I’ve come close to throwing them out MANY times and couldn’t. Inspiration struck as Don and I were talking about one of his favorite songs, “Impossible Dream” from the Man of La Mancha and I saw his shirts and this quilt! Here are the pictures of it in the making and the final product. On Christmas Eve the girls gave Don letters of why they appreciate him and then Autumn sang his song while I played the piano – being as pregnant like I was, I sounded horrible due to my inability to see clearly through the tears but Autumn did great, though greatly confused why everyone was crying!



End of 2010 079

End of 2010 081

End of 2010 080

It’s hard to read, but I stitched in the final words of the song on the back: “And the world will be better for this, that one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage, to reach the impossible stars.” No one knows how hard they struggle, how heavy their loads, and how often they continue when it would be so much easier to give up than we  do -  So here’s to acknowledging how amazing our spouses are!


Liz said...

It is absolutely beautiful! Love, loooove it. So proud of you finishing such a big project.
Only someone beautiful themself could make something as beautiful and meaningful.

Sarah said...

You are amazing Rachel! Well done. Love you!

Wolfe's said...

Oh I missed you blogging! That quilt is beyond words Rachel. It was so thoughtful and wonderful of you. I remember watching you work on those stars many times and think of all the hours you put Way to go...I'm pregnantly thinking, "That's my friend." sniff sniff. ;)

Don said...
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Don said...

It is good to know what happened to my shirts. I also would like to point out the advantage of me alwasy wearing some shade of blue shirts - while I do that so that I am always ready to go to a BYU sporting event at a moment's notice it also helps color coordinate quilts made out of my clothes. I love the quilt - thank you.