Friday, January 21, 2011

Finding Fun Things To Do

School was out this last weekend for Teacher Conferences and Martin Luther King Day so I had the girls home with me for four days. Having all of them home is rare and for various reasons I wanted to have a plan for them (1. I didn’t want to waste precious time with them and 2. Given too little to do my “precious” children can quickly drive each other – and me – up the wall)!

So – Friday we were off to the Living Planet Aquarium and from the outside it doesn’t look like much but inside I was amazed at the variety of species they had and the girls loved it too! There is only one time that Liberty freaked out and it was sitting on this giant frog – I’m not sure what it was about it but she HATED it, the snakes, spiders, and frogs were no problem but that giant plastic frog was unnerving!

January 024

She perked up and had a great time seeing things through a magnifying glass…

And all three had a lot of fun petting the sting rays – some of those rays loved to be touched so much they would practically climb out of the water to reach your hands!

Later in the weekend Don took us on a trek out onto the frozen Utah Lake! We had done this last year and it freaked me out, but I was more prepared (mentally) this year and was able to relax a bit and enjoy how beautiful it is out there.

January 041

January 046

Little posts of ice had shot up in a straight line across the lake, it was a fascinating formation each one had popped up shaped like a star!

January 050

It was so white and isolated I kept half expecting an Imperial Snow Walker from Star Wars to stomp by!

January 051

The brave explorers!

January 052

We still drove each other a little crazy, but we had a lot of fun experiences to off-set it:)

1 comment:

Wolfe's said...

Wow, you guys look like you're having a fun time!

We missed out on the aquarium! It looks like the girls had fun. :) I get Liberty's fear of fake big creatures made to look real. There's them.