Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Another Typical Olsen Adventure

I LOVE our adventures! Don likes to try to find the most direct way from Point  A to Point B but 8 out of 10 times it proves to be the opposite. This usually finds me bringing up the end because I want to video the attempts, which slows me down more because I’m laughing so hard I’m worried I’ll pee my pants! So far we’ve always made it back to the car, albeit a bit more muddy or wet than when we started…

This was another perfect example of that. We had Don home with us on a sunny day so we packed into the car and went up Diamond Fork Canyon to explore. When we found a good spot we got out and donned out trusty rubber boots (they have been SUCH a good investment!) and headed in a general upward direction. Off to our left was a perfectly good trail, but Don veered to our right and years of experience has taught me that if I give him free reign in direction decisions 1) he’s happier and 2) I will most likely be “laughing so hard I’m worried I’ll pee my pants!” – it’s a good compromise:)  Shortly after that veer to the right the videos began:














“Taking a Break”

Jan-Feb-Mar 2011 018

(Liberty would use Don’s hair as a safety grip, he had a pretty nifty hair style going by the time Liberty was feeling safe enough to let go!)

Jan-Feb-Mar 2011 019

“Our Wet Reward! Again, love the rubber boots – snow one minute, waders the next…”

Jan-Feb-Mar 2011 023

“All the Pretty Ladies”

“…And Molly…”

Jan-Feb-Mar 2011 024

Well, after taking the long way about, on the way back to the car we found a very simple trail going from Point A to Point B … but where’s the fun in that?! The last adventure occurred 5 feet from the car – Don and I had taken great care in keeping Liberty safe and dry but, following in her Daddy’s footsteps, she felt that the most direct way from Point A to Point B was through the knee deep puddle rather than around…hmmm…


Liz said...

I love adventures like that. Its always so much more fun "to go where no man (woman) has gone before". Love waders to, so convienant.
Molly is hilarious with how she could run around no problem and you guys are just slowly trying to make your way up, down, over, where ever!

Wolfe's said...

You're such a good wife!! I love Liberty's hold on Don too. :) And I'm so jealous of rubber boots now...where do you get them IFA?

The cool part is the girls must think it's such an adventure and so great that they are out hiking like that. :)

Don said...

I want to make a couple of things clear:
(1) I pointed down the 2 alternate paths and Rachel signed off on the route we took. It was OBVIOUS that this was going to be "interesting" - but I didn't hear any dissenting voices at the time.
(2) The point was to get out and get some exercise - which I think was accomplished.