Monday, September 6, 2010

Things happen in 3’s…or I really could just be accident-prone like Don says…

Knife cut 001

The Knife

Knife cut 003

The Cut

We were getting ready to go down to the farm to explore for our holiday activity, when a guest came to our door to talk to Don about politics. So while we waited for him to finish up I thought it would be nice to come home to no dishes. I had just finished cleaning the silverware when I picked up one of our brand new bread knives. I ran the sponge down the blade but didn’t compensate my practiced motion for the extra length and it slipped and sliced my skin open over my knuckle. I was shocked! And as I have done with every other shocking incident I called out, “Don.” There must me a tone to that stunned call, because he always comes to me with a “how bad is it” look… The hand is a fascinating instrument, the skin really does lay over it like a glove and I had sliced a peek into that glove – every time I bent my knuckle you could see the muscles and sinew bending to do their work. My stomach could only handle that twice before I had Don wrap it up so I didn’t have to look at it anymore. Well, short story longer – Don took the girls to the farm and I went to InstaCare and got 3 stitches put in.

Oh, the 3’s? Liz’s surgery, Emma’s twisted ankle, and my finger…or I really could just be accident-prone…Don pointed out the number of times I had been to the hospital or doctor from some sort of “accident” since we’ve been married compare to his (none) and I had to agree that current trends bode well for some interesting experiences as we grow old.


Liz said...

what twisted ankle?!
I think its something in our genes because shaun would totally call me accident prone too!
I'm always getting hurt or breaking something.
Although I've only broke one bone in my body my entire life (my elbow). So I think we can say that at least they are all non life threatening accidents, right?

Rachel said...

I love you Liz! You made me laugh! I think we should start calling it the Martha gene. Because if anyone can survive all of her episodes than we can too, right?!

Wolfe's said...

Wow, I like that knife, could it be a...Cutco?! And not be mean but, "that's what you get." Ha Ha j/k. Seriously, isn't that how you break in those knives. :)

I'm still sorry, obviously in a non-repentant way, that you cut yourself and we laughed, but we laughed in empathy. ;)