Saturday, August 28, 2010

How do you stop time...

I was organizing my pictures and found these of my girls...I think most moms look at their children's pictures and want to freeze time and keep that day of "taking your baby to college" from coming too soon. But I can't (and I spent a few insane, post-partum days channeling all my mental energy into trying to freeze my girls rapid growth...didn't work...) and I love all the joy that's come with letting them grow anyway, but not too deep below the surface is still that part of me that tries to tap into the mysterious percentage of our brain that will make it happen... Liberty's blessing day, she was sleepy and tired of being kissed!

MY family!!!

I love seeing the baby fat in my girls' cheeks...mine, not so much...

So much "sisterhood" surrounds and protects my girls. Here is Liberty being held by her Aunt Heidi and cousin Ashlynn.

Look how little they are!!!
Summers ended and as much as I hate endings they help me remember how priceless every moment is. My goal...a cliche, I know, but it is to try not to let the stuff that has to get done get in the way of treasuring the moments that really matter...


Liz said...

Hear, Hear. I feel the exact same way. After all each day is a present just waiting to be opened and enjoyed.

Becky Jones said...

What beautiful pictures!

Wolfe's said...

Thanks for the reminder of how fleeting our time is. On days when I'm ready to strangle my boys I need to sit and read this post. Your girls are so beautiful.