Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter on the Farm

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Spring officially kicks-off when it’s finally time for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Olsen Farm! And though it was drizzling a bit and overcast, things were blooming and the excitement of the kids echoed the anticipation of the warmer days Spring promised.

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Poppa and Grandma had gone all out creating a fun Easter Saturday for their grandchildren. A lunch of sloppy joes, deviled eggs, fruit and yumminess got us warmed up for the incredible Easter Egg Hunt of over 200 eggs for 4 grandchildren!!!! Poppa had worked hard to get the front grass the perfect length - short enough to walk through, long enough to hide all those brightly colored eggs! The kids grabbed their baskets, Poppa gave the count off and off all the grandchildren took, according to their various degrees of experience, to find their eggs. Ashlynn was content to meander with her parents and discover the eggs along the house, Autumn raced to the far side of the field to go “where-no-child-had-gone-before,” Bizzie went for the obvious finds along the flower beds, and Liberty, with successive looks of confusement-astonishment-delight, learned the joys of finding colored eggs in grass!

Even the adults were looking hard to make sure we recovered all 200+ eggs so Poppa didn’t have to mow over them! (FYI: we were still finding eggs the next day…)

Rhett and Ashlynn searching high…

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Olsen girls searching low…

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And where were the wonderful Easter Egg Hiding Fiends? Enjoying the show from their favorite bench… (this is Poppa’s usual farmer-look, inside he’s having a blast watching his grandkids)!

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The bounty was RICH -

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EVERYONE had full baskets, to the point that they were sharing (kids sharing?!) with each other to lighten the load – I can hear Grandma’s feathers ruffling as she reads that last part – she’s thinking, “My grandchildren are examples of pure altruism!” – and I’ll let her, because every kid needs someone in their life that thinks they’re absolutely perfect:)!

Liberty loved her “eggs” (a favorite word all month) so much that she refused to let her dragging basket be carried by anyone else!

Did the festivities end there, you ask?! Ha! Poppa had gotten a cute little Easter Bunny Pinata that Grandma was reluctant to let the kids whack – but, love for her grandchildren came in first…

Poppa was able to hook it up one more time for Ashlynn who gave it some solid whacks before the candy came pouring out. And then, out of love for his wife, Poppa gave her the bunny’s remains to carry reverently inside… and thus was the sad end of the cute little Easter Bunny Pinata…

She looks teary eyed but she’s really just giving us one more shot of the many photos of Grandma with her eyes closed:)

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We headed inside to settle down, warm up and enjoy the tradition of opening the “special” Easter Eggs that contained the story of Christ. This ritual always ends with Grandma and Poppa giving each of the grandchildren a special picture of the Savior with a message written out to them on the back to put in their scriptures – a priceless keepsake. Here is a video of the very last egg being read by Aunt Heidi and our family discussion on who the angel might have been who announced that Christ’s tomb was empty.

And, just in case the grandchildren may still be wondering if their grandparents loved them…they handed out little toy Easter prizes!!!!! One of the many perks to being a grandparent is the joy of spoiling your grandchildren I guess:)

It was a WONDERFUL time of being loved, and sharing both the fun and spiritual joys of the Easter holiday with family!

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