Saturday, November 13, 2010

Liberty Discovers Magic Tricks

Don was away for Bishopric meetings when Liberty came to me with her hand tucked away in her sleeve looking concerned when her facial expression turned sly and she popped her hand out yelling, "Ta-Da!!!" I haven't laughed that hard in awhile! I kept her going in hopes she would do do it for Don when he got back from her meeting but 16 times was a lot for her...and me and she moved on to other things. When Don finally got home she was getting tired and ready for bed but I got her to try again and she did it! So here are two videos of Liberty's Awesome Disappearing Hands Magic Trick:

1 comment:

Liz said...

How precious! Did you figure out where she learned it from? She looks so much like Isabel did at that age, except lighter hair. Spittin image. Wow.
Your place looks different, new couch?
And of course, you have a book on your knee. I'm currently reading The Island by Heather Graham. A mystery. Not a recommendation though. Its fun, but too graphic in certain situations.