Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Favorite Things...

I'm sure every mom at one point or another looks around them and thinks to themselves with complete peace and joy and say to themselves, "I am so blessed." It's at times like these that I understand the reverence behind the simple statement found in the new testament that describes Mary's thoughts about raising her son in Luke 2:19. SO here are the things I keep in my heart and treasure...

My best friend...

My Liberty...

My Bizzie...

And my Autumn...

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bizzie's Snowman

We enjoyed a few feet of snow on New Year's Day by sledding around the Olsen Farm. Bizzie loved riding on the snowmobile and 4-wheelers but REALLY wanted to make a snowman. So Don, good dad that he is, said ok and proceeded to "help" her make a snowman.

Burnham boys help Don put the pieces together...

Bizzie helping...

Bizzie helping some more...

Bizzie showing off "her" snowman after working REALLY hard...

Don breathing and holding Liberty after "helping" Bizzie make her snowman!
In all seriousness, I think this was a case of a small project becoming a bit more; and to Bizzie's defense, she made the head!