Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It’s one of those days where I have a great deal to do and have every reason to stress, but watching my kids run around and being able to stay at home to watch them makes me feel very grateful. 

I was getting ready to update the blog to include the latest event – Autumn’s birthday Mustang Search and found some pictures that simply made me happy to look at. I’ll share them with you, but first a quick background blurb: Don is a talented puppeteer and has done a little story read for each of the girls preschools. We had dug out all our puppets for the occasion and still had them laying around, and unbeknownst to  me the girls had each grabbed one and taken them with them to the truck for one of our many mini-adventures. As we start our trips, it is the usual order of things for Don to crank up the Olsen Playlist of Jammin’ Songs  and everyone starts busting out the moves (I watched this ritual from an adjacent car once and it’s pretty funny to see an outsider’s view of the whole thing…),on this occasion as I turned to admire my oh-so-talented-jammers instead of little girls I saw this…Easter - Stockshow April 2011 108

Easter - Stockshow April 2011 109

Easter - Stockshow April 2011 110

Easter - Stockshow April 2011 111

I love my hubbie and girls. Everyone has a different vibe…vitality…style…in their family, I hope you find as much happiness with your unique chemistry as I do with mine.

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